
3. Are RRAs replacing other established means of obtaining information outside of inspections?/RRAは、査察以外で情報取得のために確立された他の手段に取って代わるものですか?
No, RRAs are not intended to limit or replace other established means of obtaining information necessary for FDA to accomplish its public health mission outside of inspections, including, among other things, applicant information request letters, registration confirmations, meetings, product submission or application assessments, or follow-up communications during outbreaks or other emergencies. Similarly, if, for example, FDA calls an establishment to inform them that a submission or application is missing certain information, this is not an RRA. Although these activities may be conducted remotely, the Agency does not consider these RRAs.
4. Is an RRA an inspection?/RRAは査察なのでしょうか?
Generally, an inspection, such as described in section 704(a)(1) of the FD&C Act, involves duly designated officers or employees of the FDA physically entering (at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner), establishments subject to regulation under the FD&C Act to determine compliance with applicable FDA requirements.13 For this reason, we do not consider an RRA to satisfy statutory 201 requirements that specify inspection under section 704 of the FD&C Act (e.g., section 510(h) or 503B(b) of the FD&C Act).14
一般に、FD&C 法セクション704 (a)(1)に記載されたような査察では、正式に指名されたFDA の役員または職員が、FD&C 法の規制対象となる事業所に(妥当な時間に妥当な方法で)物理的に入り、該当する FDA 要求事項を遵守しているかを判断します13。 このため、FDAは、RRA が FD&C 法セクション704に基づく査察を規定する法令上の要件(例えば FD&C 法セクション510(h)や 503B(b))満たすものとはみなしません14。
However, remote requests for FSVP records are under the authority of section 805(d) of the FD&C Act and FDA’s implementing regulation.15 These record requests function as inspections in that FDA uses these records requests to evaluate a food importer’s compliance with FSVP.
しかし、FSVP記録の遠隔での要求は、FD&C法セクション805 (d)およびFDAの施行規則の権限に基づいています15。これらの記録要求は、FDAがそれを用いて食品輸入業者のFSVPに適合しているかどうかを評価するという点で、査察として機能しています。
5. When may FDA initiate or request to conduct an RRA?/FDAは、どのような時にRRA の開始、もしくは実施要請を行いますか?
FDA may initiate or, in the case of a voluntary RRA, request to conduct an RRA, whenever we determine an RRA is appropriate to help fulfill the Agency’s regulatory responsibilities and protect human and animal health. For example:
• When FDA cannot conduct an inspection due to travel limitations brought on by pandemics, natural disasters, or other unstable situations making travel infeasible.
• When FDA determines that an RRA will assist FDA in conducting elements of establishment oversight or support regulatory decisions. Examples include preparing for an already planned inspection, following up on a consumer complaint, assisting in verifying that an establishment has completed certain corrective actions (e.g., in response to a previous inspection, or previous RRA), or supporting the review of a marketing submission.
13 See FDA’s, Investigations Operations Manual, Section, Authority to Enter and Inspect (2021).
13 FDAの、調査業務マニュアル、セクション2.2.1.1、立入査察の権限(2021年)を参照のこと。
14 FDA will not issue a Form FDA 482 Notice of Inspection or Form FDA 483, Inspectional Observations during the RRA process.
14 FDAは、RRAの間にForm FDA 482 Notice of Inspection(査察通知)やForm FDA 483 Inspectional Observations(査察所見)を発行することはない。
15 FSVP records requests that FDA makes at an importer’s place of business are also made under these same legal authorities.
15 FDAが輸入業者の事業所で行うFSVP記録の要求も、これらの同じ法的権限に基づいて行われる。