
(安定性モニタリング/Stability Monitoring)
第 11 条の 2/Article 11-2
The manufacturer, etc. of finished products of pharmaceutical products must have the quality department perform the following operations pertaining to stability monitoring for the pharmaceutical product concerned systematically and appropriately, in accordance with the written procedures, etc. 

一 品質リスクを特定し、評価を行った結果に基づいて、安定性モニタリングを行う医薬品を適切に選定し、必要量の検体を採取すること。
i. Appropriately selecting the pharmaceutical product subject to stability monitoring based on the results of quality risk identification and assessment, and collecting the required amount of samples

二 当該医薬品の規格のうち保存により影響を受けやすい項目および当該規格に適合しない場合に当該医薬品の有効性または安全性に影響を及ぼすと考えられる項目を、試験検査の項目として選定すること。
ii. Selecting the specification items of the pharmaceutical product that are likely to be affected by storage and items that are likely to affect the efficacy or safety of the product if the specifications are not met as test items

三 第 1 号の検体を保管し、前号の項目について、適切な間隔で試験検査を行うこと。
iii. Retaining the samples described in Item i and test them at appropriate intervals for the test items referred to in the preceding item 

四 前号の試験検査の結果に基づき、当該医薬品の品質への影響を評価すること。
iv. Evaluating the impact on the quality of the pharmaceutical product based on the results of the tests described in the preceding item

五 前各号の業務に係る記録を作成し、これを保管すること。
v. Preparing records pertaining to the operations described in the preceding items and maintaining them

2 最終製品たる医薬品の製造業者等は、前項第 4 号の評価の結果から、当該医薬品の規格に適合しない場合またはそのおそれがある場合においては、当該医薬品に係る製造販売業者に対する速やかな連絡、医薬品の回収の判断に必要な情報の提供等、所要の措置をとるとともに、当該措置に係る記録を作成し、これを保管しなければならない。
2 The manufacturer, etc. of finished products of pharmaceutical products must take necessary measures, such as promptly informing the manufacturing authorization holder of the pharmaceutical product concerned and providing information necessary for them to make a decision of recalling the product, if the product does not or is unlikely to conform to the specifications based on the results of the evaluation set forth in item iv of the preceding paragraph. They must also prepare records pertaining to these measures and maintain them. 

(製品品質の照査/Product Quality Review)
第 11 条の 3/Article 11-3
The manufacturer, etc. must have the organization in charge of quality assurance operations perform the following duties appropriately based on written procedures, etc. 

一 製造工程並びに原料、資材および製品の規格の妥当性を検証することを目的として、定期的または随時に、製品品質の照査を行うこと。
i. To review product quality periodically or as needed for the purpose of validating the manufacturing processes and the specifications of raw materials, packaging and labeling materials and products 

  “Periodically” may be once a year, but the question is what is required by “as needed”. Most probably, it is required to investigate the cause and take action instead of waiting for the periodic review when several cases of deviation or OOS of the same cause have occurred continually. 

二 前号の照査の結果を製造管理者に対して文書により報告すること。
ii. To report the result of the review referred to in the preceding item to the manufacturing supervisor in writing. 

2 製造業者等は、前項第 1 号の照査の結果に基づき、製造管理若しくは品質管理に関して改善を要する場合またはバリデーションを行うことを要する場合においては、所要の措置をとるとともに、当該措置の記録を作成し、これを保管しなければならない。
2 In cases where improvements are required with regard to manufacturing control or quality control or where validation is required based on the results of the verification set forth in Item i. of the preceding paragraph, the manufacturer, etc. must take necessary measures, and prepare records of the measures and maintain them. 

(原料等の供給者の管理/Management of Suppliers of Raw Materials, etc.)
第 11 条の 4/Article 11-4
The manufacturer, etc. must have the organization in charge of quality assurance operations perform the following duties appropriately based on written procedures, etc. 

一 原料等の品質の確保のために適切な規格を定めること。
i. To establish appropriate specifications for ensuring the quality of raw materials, etc. 

二 原料等の供給者について、適格性を評価した上で選定すること。
ii. To select suppliers of raw materials, etc. after evaluating their qualifications

三 原料等の製造管理および品質管理が適切かつ円滑に行われているかどうかについて定期的に確認すること。
iii. To periodically check whether manufacturing control and quality control of raw materials, etc. are carried out properly and smoothly 

四 前 3 号の業務に係る記録を作成し、これを保管すること。
iv. To prepare records pertaining to the operations described in the preceding three items and maintain them 

2 製造業者等は、原料等のうち製品品質に影響を及ぼすものについて、当該原料等の製造管理および品質管理の方法に関してその供給者と文書により必要な取決めを締結しなければならない。ただし、当該取決めが、当該原料等を使用する製品に係る製造販売業者または法第 19 条の 2 第 1 項の承認を受けた者と当該供給者との間において締結されている場合においては、この限りでない。
2 With regard to raw materials, etc. that affect product quality, the manufacturer, etc. must conclude necessary agreements in writing with the suppliers concerning the methods of manufacturing control and quality control of the raw materials, etc. However, this should not apply where such agreements have been concluded between the manufacturing authorization holder of the product using the raw materials, etc. or a person who has obtained approval under Paragraph 1, Article 19-2 of the Act and the suppliers.


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