
7. What are the benefits of an RRA?/RRAの利点は何ですか?

FDA, industry, and the general public can all benefit from RRAs as RRAs help the Agency to meet critical public health needs. These potential benefits can include, but are not limited to: 

RRA はFDAが重要な公衆衛生上のニーズを満たすのに役立つので、FDA、産業界、および一般市民はすべて RRA から利益を得ることができます。これらの潜在的な利益には、以下のものが含まれますが、これらに限定されるものではありません。

• Allowing FDA to remotely evaluate compliance of FDA-regulated products, clinical studies,  and establishments, as appropriate. This may identify issues that lead establishments to  promptly make corrective actions, which may enhance the establishment’s preparedness for  their next FDA inspection. 


• Having an RRA precede an inspection under section 704(a)(1) of the FD&C Act could reduce resource expenditure by (1) potentially reducing the time FDA is present at the establishment, and (2) helping optimize FDA's time on-site, by reducing the extent of records to be reviewed during the inspection. 

・FD&C 法セクション704(a)(1)に基づく査察に先立ってRRAを行うことで、(1) FDAの事業所での滞在時間を短縮できる可能性があり、(2) 査察中に確認すべき記録の範囲を狭めることにより、FDAの現場での時間を最適化することができるため、リソース費用を削減することができます。

• FDA can make regulatory decisions, including the approval of an application or authorization for emergency use, without an inspection, when appropriate conditions are fulfilled, such as, the ability to verify information in the marketing submission. In such cases, the application approval, or the authorization, must still meet applicable standards. 


• Providing FDA additional information to incorporate into a risk-based inspection schedule,  thereby helping FDA use inspectional resources more efficiently and effectively. 


• Assisting FDA in verifying corrective actions taken in response to inspections of previously  compliant manufacturers. 


• Helping to support, and reduce delays of, approval or authorization of marketing submissions for FDA-regulated products. 




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